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Archive | Insurance Information for Agents

Post on Increasing PIF Retention

Is 97% – or Better – PIF Retention Possible?

  Policies in Force retention (PIF retention) is a primary factor in driving profitability in the insurance industry. This article examines how agencies and carriers can maximize profitability by improving retention. What Are The Options for Increasing PIF Retention? For agencies there are two primary options for increasing retention, re-marketing and selling value. For carriers…

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Image for blog post on where did all the insurance superstars go?

Where Did The Insurance Superstars Go?

If you’re reading this, you’re in the insurance industry. If you’re in the insurance industry, you’ve recently heard some variation of “where did all insurance superstars go?” Stated another way you might hear, “I can’t find good people,” or even “I can’t find people” or “nobody wants to work anymore.” Whether the question is with regards…

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