Compare Insurance Based on 3rd Party Data Analysis
Your competitors advertise the lowest price. Most of your customers stay because they appreciate the quality you offer. ValChoice enables your agency to easily share the quality information that consumers want.
Agencies use ValChoice tools to close new business and stop re-marketing. The customer profile of agencies using our tools continues to improve.
Data collected by high quality data sources such as the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC), state departments of insurance and AM Best. 3rd party data and analysis enables you to objectively guide customers and prospects to the best source of quality insurance.

What Our Customers Are Saying
A prospect would not return our calls, until we sent a ValChoice report. The ValChoice report led to winning the business – at nearly double the premium the person was paying with the mid-market carrier they were with previously. ValChoice tools are a great solution for selling value over price.
HawkSoft – Insurance Perspectives Podcast
Insurance was a Price Driven Industry – Because There Wasn’t a Quality Metric. ValChoice Changed That.
ValChoice worked with Grange Insurance – and their agents – to test the effectiveness of providing ValChoice ratings prior to policy renewal. The results showed that 80% of policyholders were strongly influenced by the ValChoice analysis.